Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. (Mark 10:21)
***Not everyone who sets out with Our Lord through the thorns and thistles of temptation survive. Some turn back, some rebel, and still others become entangled in thistles of their own making.
***The Nation of Israel died in their journey through their wilderness of testing, with only two out of three million entering into the Promised Land.
***Jesus, from His baptism, where the Holy Ghost fell upon Him, began his Wilderness experience of testing
***The Apostles, from the time of their conversion (Receiving the Holy Ghost: Luke 22:32) were persecuted and faced death continually. But they Overcame their testing.
***Paul was imprisoned, stoned and left for dead, and twice had forty lashes laid upon him. He overcame his testing (2 Cor 11:24).
***After the Field of Thorns and Thistles comes the Valley of Death. The Apostles demonstrated their willingness to bear their cross (trials unto death) gladly, and we are instructed to do the same (Matt 10:38; 16:24,25).
***Trial builds confidence and Faith. Hiding from trials intensifies fears (Rev 21:8).
***When we are no longer afraid of Death, we can then allow ourselves to be shown the Truth. And the Truth is almost always ugly on the surface; which is why a lie is so often considered before the truth. (See "Fundamental fables")
***The Truth, once known, understood and experienced, (which is necessary to understand), will set us free (John 3:21; 8:32). And possibly even cause death, but most certainly death to "Self" (Luke 9:23-25)
***But death is the final obligation for this investment called life (Matt 13:44-46), and none will escape it. So life and death is not our choice to make; but rather for what cause we choose to die, and toward which eternity we aim.
***Truth is Beautiful, and Freeing; but it can also be frightening.
***Therefore, as the warning states before entering this website; if you are not fully prepared for the Bitter Truth: don't read any farther.
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